Dalfina - My first Bleuette

I bought Dalfina from Robin Barrows. She was made by Leslie Perkumas. Dalfina is made from the SFBJ 60 8/0 mold. (thanks Gloria.) She has a human hair wig, a copy of the one the original Bleuettes came with. She is the 60 8/0 mold and she is on the German (or Naibert) body, which is the closest to the antique dolls. I named Dalfina after my husband's beloved Grandmother. Her name was spelled Delfina. She came to America from Italy in the early 1900s. Maybe she played with a doll like the Bleuette. She loved to sew so I know she would enjoy my dolls!
A picture of Dalfina in a 1928 dress.